landscape transformation câu
Go and check the landscape first.Giờ cậu đi nắm rõ địa hình nơi đây trước đã. Amidst that emotional landscape, we started to f...

A fledgling killer's first effort at transformation.1 tay sát nhân tập sự trong nổ lực biến hóa đầu tiên. But a dramatic transformatio...

a blot on the landscape
The 2010 survey also showed that 52% disagreed with the statement that wind farms are "ugly and a blot on the landscape".Cuộc điều tra ...

anthropogenic landscape
The researchers point out, “Many other elements of the anthropogenic landscape connect to this broader network, suggesting an expansion...

architectural landscape
To understand just how unique the Golden Gai is, you need to understand a bit about the history of Japan’s architectural landscape.Để h...

cultural landscape
Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia (1121)Colombia Cảnh quan văn hóa cà phê ở Colombia Văn hóa 1121 2006 Volterra: Historical City a...

famous landscape
He was much inspired by famous landscape painters of those times.Quê tôi nổi tiếng nhờ khoai lang nổi tiếng từ cái thời đó. Each pagod...

forest landscape
Children walking in the Forest Landscape Restoration nursery in Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda.Trẻ em đi bộ gần Cơ sở Phục hồi rừng ở Kases...

geographical landscape
Flights to Nigeria allow you to explore a diverse cultural and geographical landscape, from buzzing Lagos to touristy Abuja.Các chuyến ...

hard landscape
Bangkok is a popular city that is rapidly developing and relies on hard landscape designs.Bangkok là một thành phố nổi tiếng đang phát ...

interior landscape
Interior Landscape Designers in FUNCHALNhà thiết kế Cảnh quan Nội thất trong Funchal Interior Landscape Designers in FUNCHALNhà thiết ...

landscape architect
Not using a Landscape Architect to design the landscaping.Không SỬ DỤNG Họa viên Kiến trúc thực hiện bản vẽ. Not using a Landscape Arc...

landscape architecture
Landscape Architecture Report (please read description before bidding) EndedANDROID UI DESIGN ( please read before posting a bid ) Đã k...

landscape art
The Liber Studiorum was an expression of his intentions for landscape art.Liber Studiorum thể hiện những ý định của ông đối với nghệ th...

landscape assessment
Landscape assessment — is a sub category of environmental assessment (or EIA) concerned with quality assessment of the landscape.Đánh g...

landscape conservation
The community lies in the Westerwald between Limburg and Siegen in the Kroppacher Schweiz (“Kroppach Switzerland”), a nature and landsc...

landscape construction
Many of the terms used in landscape architecture, land planning, environmental planning, and landscape construction are unavailable, or...

landscape design
Urban landscape design is all about planning.Thiết kế cảnh quan đô thị là tất cả về quy hoạch. Urban landscape design is all about pl...

landscape ecology
Landscape ecology not only created new terms, but also incorporated existing ecological terms in new ways.Sinh thái học cảnh quan không...

landscape format
And now, you can share videos up to 30 seconds long and in landscape format.Và giờ đây, bạn có thể chia sẻ video dài tới 60 giây ở định...

landscape gardening
Landscape Gardening in London, Surrey and surrounding areasNhiếp ảnh gia trong Surrey, London And Surrounding Areas For more on starti...

landscape lens
The 24-70 L is also a very good landscape lens (though it would be an even better choice if it had IS), especially on a full frame body...

landscape mode
An optional landscape mode has been added.Một chế độ phong cảnh tùy chọn đã được thêm vào. For instance, you can only use the webcam i...

landscape orientation
A small window was shown in landscape orientation in front of Asuna.Một cửa sổ nhỏ nằm ngang hiện lên trước mặt Asuna. Landscape: the ...

landscape page
Once the window closes, your document is immediately turned on its side into landscape page layout, giving your tables, text, and image...